Industry: Agribusiness & food

‘Oh deer!’ moment for defendant as Pernod Ricard gets exclusivity over STAG mark

The Delhi High Court found that AB Sugars’ use of the mark INDIAN STAG for alcoholic beverages infringed Pernod Ricard’s rights in the mark ROYAL STAG. 

14 December 2023

JPO finds that MONO+ is not similar to MONO

A key finding was that the marks were dissimilar visually and phonetically due to the presence of the element ‘+’ in the mark applied for.

08 December 2023

Does the common element ‘crunch’ lead to a likelihood of confusion?

In good news for Nestlé, the General Court has confirmed that there was a likelihood of confusion between TIFFANY CRUNCH N CREAM and Nestlé’s earlier mark CRUNCH.

05 December 2023

Halal trademark certification considered by Full Federal Court

This case considers the difference between product certification and the provision of certification services.

04 December 2023

Court of Appeals considers use of ‘eco’ in trademarks

The Court of Appeals, in contrast to the lower instances, found that a trademark including the element ‘Eco de los Andes’ was registrable for mineral water.

30 November 2023

ARCTIC WATER considered descriptive over 20 years after registration

The decision shows that even trademarks that have been registered for over two decades can be vulnerable to cancellation.

24 November 2023

Haribo gummy bear found to be distinctive for products other than confectionery

The EUIPO Board of Appeal concluded that the sign diverged sufficiently from the norm in the corresponding sectors for it to retain a minimum degree of distinctive character with respect to the goods.

16 November 2023

Is it time for you to fight brand restrictions? A look at impacted industries and what INTA is doing

Members of INTA’s Brand Restrictions Committee chart the impact of brand restrictions on multiple product sectors, and how the association is engaging with policymakers on the issue.

16 November 2023

Targeting is essential for a transfer under the UDRP

The decision highlights the difficulties of establishing bad faith in a passive holding case where targeting evidence is scarce.

14 November 2023

CJEU considers international jurisdiction over defendants from different member states

The ruling affirms the findings of Nintendo v BigBen regarding the conditions of application of Article 8(1) of Regulation 1215/2012.

06 November 2023

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