Organisation: Asian Patent Attorneys Association

Connections: the making of a memorable and effective IP conference

In this week’s Saturday opinion, WTR reflects on the opportunities that the APAA conference and INTA Annual Meeting have provided Asia-based IP practitioners this year.

25 November 2023

Cost versus quality – how to pick a local partner for trademark work in Cambodia 

Cambodia is fast becoming an important market. Speaking with local practitioners, WTR highlights the factors to consider before engaging a Cambodian firm, either directly or to conduct work on behalf of clients.

01 July 2020

India’s IP office to pilot mediation programme in effort to clear opposition backlog

The Trademarks Registry in India is trialling a mediation initiative aimed at reducing pendency, with the test cases including oppositions that have been held up for nearly 20 years. Meanwhile, efforts to improve efficiency in the courts are continuing apace – a ruling last week clarified a key jurisdictional question about which IP cases will be heard by the country’s new commercial divisions at the High Court level.

02 March 2016

New twist in Samsung parallel imports case as APAA and INTA offer conflicting views

The case of <I>Samsung v Kapil Wadhwa</I>, which is pending before the Supreme Court, will decide whether the Indian trademark law provides for the national or international exhaustion of trademark rights. Last year INTA had filed an application to intervene in this case, arguing that national exhaustion is the correct position. APAA has now filed its own application to intervene, which strongly supports the principle of international exhaustion.

23 April 2014

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