Organisation: AT&T

WTR Brand Elite analysis: September 2023

Featured in Stock market performance

The WTR Brand Elite fell seven points in September, hitting its lowest value since 1 January 2023. However, the brands that experienced the biggest drop in value have reason to remain optimistic.

30 October 2023

WTR Brand Elite analysis: August 2023

Featured in Stock market performance

The WTR Brand Elite dipped two points in August, mirroring minor falls across major stock markets. However, Dell Technologies bucked the general trend. 

25 September 2023

WTR Brand Elite analysis: July 2023

Featured in Stock market performance

The WTR Brand Elite project tracks how a defined set of 100-plus companies that invest in their brands and trademark teams compare against nine major stock market indices.

24 August 2023

WTR Brand Elite analysis: June 2023

Featured in Stock market performance

The WTR Brand Elite rose seven points through June, hitting its highest value since 1 February 2022.

18 July 2023

Brand Tracker: January-April 2023

Featured in Brand trademark tracker

Fashion and luxury brands Christian Dior and Estée Lauder more than doubled their filing activity in the first four months of 2023 - while many leading brands more than halved their own - WTR analysis shows. 

23 June 2023

WTR Brand Elite analysis: May 2023

Featured in Stock market performance

The WTR Brand Elite dropped one point through May, as major stock indices returned mixed results. Tech brands performed strongly, with a suite of new AI-powered Alexa devices giving Amazon a notable boost.

22 June 2023

WTR Brand Elite analysis: April 2023

Featured in Stock market performance

The WTR Brand Elite rose a single point through April, taking it to its highest value level in just over a year.

29 May 2023

NFT trademark applications drop, but OpenSea remains infringement minefield

As metaverse and NFT-related trademarks see a significant drop in recent months, WTR takes a look at the ongoing issue of unauthorised brand use on NFT marketplace OpenSea.

24 May 2023

WTR Brand Elite analysis: March 2023

Featured in Stock market performance

The WTR Brand Elite rose three points through March, although stock markets returned mixed results. 

01 May 2023

WTR Brand Elite analysis: February 2023 

Featured in Stock market performance

Stock markets returned to volatility in February. In contrast to January, when major indices rose in value, key markets fell last month.

20 March 2023

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