Organisation: BBC

Plain packaging stumbles, brand equity concerns highlighted

In a big week for plain packaging news, reports have emerged today that the UK government is postponing plans to push ahead with the regime. The move will be welcomed by brand owners, with reports emerging from Australia that its legislation is having some unexpected consequences.

12 July 2013

With Harris + Hoole coffee shops, Tesco takes phantom branding to the next level

There is more to the new coffee shop chain Harris + Hoole (H+H) than meets the eye. At first glance it appears to be an independent concern. In reality, H+H is part-owned by Tesco. While the creation of a seemingly ‘independent’ brand could pay dividends for the world’s third-largest retailer, it can also put brand equity at risk.

21 January 2013

YouView loses High Court appeal - but refuses to change name

In <i>YouView TV Ltd v Total Ltd</i>, the High Court has dismissed an appeal by YouView, a joint venture between the BBC, ITV, BT, Channel 4, TalkTalk, Arqiva and Channel 5, which launched a subscription-free digital TV service in July 2012. YouView sought to register the device mark YOUVIEW in Classes 9, 38 and 42, but the owner of the YOUR VIEW mark successfully opposed the application. However, YouView has stated that it has no intention of changing its name.

20 November 2012

Mark held to take unfair advantage of well-known BBC marks

The Estonian Board of Appeal has upheld the British Broadcasting Corporation’s opposition against the registration of the figurative trademark BBC BALTIC BOAT CENTER by OÜ Nexus Grupp on the grounds that use of the mark could take unfair advantage of, or be detrimental to, the distinctive character or the repute of the well-known BBC marks.

16 February 2012

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