Region: Belarus

Trademark use in public procurements: anti-monopoly authority finds no unfair competition 

The anti-monopoly authority has considered a range of criteria based on competition law, which may be seen as a test to establish whether unfair competition has occurred.

12 June 2024

Belarus creates legal framework for parallel imports

The Belarus government has opened the country’s market to parallel imports under certain conditions.

26 September 2023

Anti-monopoly authority rules in dispute between bars over PETROLEUM mark

In this dispute between two bars over the use of the mark NEFT (‘petroleum’ in English), the anti-monopoly authority concluded that there had been no unfair competition.

02 May 2023

Belarus: an autumn rich in unfair competition cases

In two recent unfair competition disputes in Belarus, the anti-monopoly authority has reached contrasting decisions.

13 January 2023

Anti-monopoly authority sets unfair competition test in GLOBUS dispute

In this dispute over the trademark GLOBUS for glue, the authority has considered a range of factors based on competition law, which may be regarded as an unfair competition test.

07 October 2022

Famous fairy tale character finds itself at centre of unfair competition case

In this dispute between rival beverage manufacturers, the anti-monopoly authority found that Krinitsa OJSC’s registration and use of the trademark БУРАТИНО (a character created by Alexey Tolstoy) amounted to unfair competition.

17 June 2022

Supreme Court considers possibility of terminating licence agreement based on alleged material breach

The decision highlights the importance of clearly stipulating the mutual obligations of the parties in trademark licence agreements.

27 January 2022

Online marketplaces in Belarus that should be on counterfeit enforcement radars

Featured in Online marketplace counterfeit hotspots

In the next instalment in our regular series where WTR identifies the digital marketplaces that brand owners should monitor as part of their global anti-counterfeiting efforts, we head to Belarus.

25 January 2022

Recent precedent highlights particularities of non-use cancellation actions in Belarus

This recent decision of the IP Board of the Supreme Court illustrates that, in Belarusian non-use cancellation actions, it is crucial for the defendant to actively participate in the proceedings if it wishes to keep its trademark.

28 September 2021

Five counterfeit hotspots in Belarus that brand owners must be aware of

Featured in Physical marketplace counterfeit hotspots

In an update from our regular series on marketplaces around the world that are reportedly notorious for being counterfeit havens, we head to the nation of Belarus.

26 September 2021

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