Organisation: Brand Finance

Singapore launches world’s first intangibles disclosure framework

The first-of-its-kind framework enables businesses to disclose their intangible assets systematically and comprehensively, but will require a “collective effort from private-public partnerships”.

11 September 2023

Brands are valuable but realising that value will remain a significant challenge 

This week’s opinion reflects on the challenges of establishing an environment that supports brand collateralisation.

26 August 2023

WTR Brand Elite analysis: July 2023

Featured in Stock market performance

The WTR Brand Elite project tracks how a defined set of 100-plus companies that invest in their brands and trademark teams compare against nine major stock market indices.

24 August 2023

Brand consolidation, digitalisation and expansion: Škoda’s year in focus

We take a closer look at the projects keeping the automaker's award-winning IP team busy. 

17 August 2023

“Staying nimble” helps team alter course

WTR's Software and Online Services Team of the Year keeps customers front of mind as it pivots to a “post-pandemic normal”.

16 August 2023

Brewing the perfect cup of IP at Starbucks

Why Starbucks' successes saw the trademark department crowned Retail Team of the Year at the 2023 WTR Industry Awards.

02 August 2023

From Twitter to X: Elon Musk faces major trademark challenges following sudden rebrand

Twitter has officially rebranded as X, with Elon Musk making the unprecedented decision to abandon a multi-billion-dollar brand –  so where does the company go from here?

25 July 2023

Are you missing out on millions of dollars in brand value?

Better sustainability messaging could be the key to unlocking millions – if not billions – of dollars in brand value.

22 July 2023

WTR Brand Elite analysis: June 2023

Featured in Stock market performance

The WTR Brand Elite rose seven points through June, hitting its highest value since 1 February 2022.

18 July 2023

WTR Brand Elite analysis: May 2023

Featured in Stock market performance

The WTR Brand Elite dropped one point through May, as major stock indices returned mixed results. Tech brands performed strongly, with a suite of new AI-powered Alexa devices giving Amazon a notable boost.

22 June 2023

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