Topic: Brand valuation

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Microsoft could boost brand value by billions through improved ESG marketing, Brand Finance estimates

Brand Finance has released its 2024 Sustainability Perceptions Index, which estimates how much of a brand’s total brand value can be attributed to positive ESG perceptions.

05 March 2024

China rises in soft power rankings; Gulf states cultivate influence

Brand Finance has released its 2024 Global Soft Power Index, which tracks the global perception of nation brands.

01 March 2024

New INTA report on IP communication offers practical guide and starting point for change, says past president

Zeeger Vink discusses the value of INTA’s presidential task force report on IP reporting for brands.

02 February 2024

Boeing’s blowout offers lessons for brand owners facing crisis

Brand and reputation management experts highlight what brands can learn from a series of recent crises for aircraft maker Boeing.

25 January 2024

WeChat reputation triumphs against tough economic conditions

The popular messaging service has been crowned the world’s strongest brand despite a drop in value this year, as Chinese brands come to dominate the top of the rankings.

19 January 2024

Apple smashes records to exceed half a trillion dollars in brand value

After an incredible 74% increase in value, Apple has reclaimed its title as the world’s most valuable brand.

17 January 2024

“Enhancing accessibility and credibility”: Korean office expands on ambitious IP financing plans

In an interview with WTR, the Korean IP Office confirms that it plans to “lay the groundwork” for brand-backed financing, as it expands Korea's current IP valuation offering.

08 January 2024

Virgin wins brand reputation dispute in Commercial Court

The decision highlights the importance of ensuring that key terms, especially those allowing unilateral termination, are defined in trademark licence agreements.

23 November 2023

Apple remains world’s most intangible company as tech giants surge

Annual report reveals resurgence in global intangible value, with top tech companies boasting the largest gains.

02 November 2023

PETRONAS named most valuable ASEAN brand, but banking industry steals the show

Brand Finance’s first ASEAN rankings reveal the most valuable brands in the region.

18 October 2023

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