Region: Brazil

Domain name body lifts registration limit

The Research Support Foundation of the State of São Paulo - the entity responsible for the registration of domain names in Brazil - has issued new rules. Companies and individuals are now free to register as many third-level domain names as they like.

07 May 2002

Prior use of trade name defeats trademark application

The Brazilian Superior Court of Justice has ruled that a prior user of a trade name has standing to oppose a trademark application even if the two are not in direct competition. The court's decision has the effect of empowering domain name holders in their fight against cybersquatters.

12 November 2001

American Airlines wins significant squatting dispute

American Airlines recently recovered two domain names containing its trademarks even though Brazil has not yet become a party to any dispute resolution treaties and the legislature has not yet issued guidelines on what constitutes 'bad faith' registration.

25 October 2001

AOL recovers domain name in Brazil

After a three-year dispute, the US-based ISP America Online Inc has won the right to use the domain name ''. AOL brought a claim against America On Line Telecomunicações Ltda, a local provider, that had registered the domain name in 1997.

28 August 2001

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