Region: Cambodia

IP attorney rock stars, NFL partners with London Police and French protesters see orange over plain packaging: news round-up

In this round-up, we look at the fourth country to bring into force plain packaging on tobacco products, a trademark technology start-up’s €3 million in new funding, and much more. 

06 October 2017

Brands offered “unique opportunity” to engage with Cambodian government to help shape country's IP system

The goodwill ambassador for the Cambodian Counter Counterfeit Committee, Ainsley Jong, has called on international brands to engage with the Cambodian government.

28 September 2017

New procedures to record exclusive distributorships in Cambodia

The Ministry of Commerce has introduced a Regulation on the Procedures to Record and File Permission Letters for Imported Goods Bearing Exclusive Trademarks. The regulation sets out the procedures to register an exclusive distributorship with the Department of IP Rights.

14 July 2016

‘Brutal honesty’ needed to ensure smooth Madrid Protocol transition

One of the biggest challenges for WIPO as it looks to increase the reach of the Madrid Protocol around the globe is the initial negative reaction from law firms that fear a loss in trademark filing work. Yet one newly contracted country, Cambodia, has had a different experience - and the director of its national IP office claims that it is down to taking a brutally honest approach to the impact of the new regime.

05 May 2015

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