Cesare Galli

Cesare Galli

Founding and managing partner, IP Law Galli
[email protected]

Head and founder of IP LAW GALLI and professor of IP law at the University of Parma, Cesare Galli usually advises major companies on worldwide anti-counterfeiting, licensing and IPRs management strategies and handles litigation involving all branches of IP law. In 1999 and 2004 he obtained the first Italian final ruling on biotech and computer-implemented invention patents, respectively, and between 2005 and 2024 secured key decisions on renowned trademarks, selective distribution systems, designs and pharmaceutical patents. Since 2005, he has been a member of all the Italian Government IP Boards of Counsel and since 2009 he has been involved in the EU Infringement Observatory, now as Legal Expert. Professor Galli has authored hundreds of IP publications, including The Commented Code of Industrial and Intellectual Property (2011 – currently editing a new edition).

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