Organisation: Christian Louboutin

Louboutin’s legal challenge meets bitter end

In a further blow to Louboutin’s attempt to claim exclusive rights over its red soles in Japan, the IP High Court has upheld the JPO’s rejection of Louboutin’s application for its red sole mark.

27 February 2023

Louboutin suffers second defeat in litigation over red soles

The IP High Court agreed with the lower court that Louboutin’s red soles per se had an insufficient reputation as a source indicator.

14 February 2023

Louboutin hot on Amazon’s heels: does CJEU ruling on direct liability really make online platforms shake in their shoes?

Arguably, the ruling does not represent a big shift in the court’s approach to the liability of intermediaries, but rather finetunes existing case law.

24 January 2023

“Amazon will have little choice but to adjust its business model”: counsel react to groundbreaking Christian Louboutin ruling

A CJEU ruling that could see Amazon held liable for adverts promoting fake goods on its platforms will have significant consequences for the platform and brand owners alike, Christian Louboutin counsel tell WTR.

05 January 2023

Christian Louboutin prevails over Chinese shoe manufacturer in ‘red sole’ dispute

The IP Court recognised that Christian Louboutin’s red-lacquered sole, as well as the phrase ‘红底鞋’ (‘red-sole shoe’ in English), were associated with Christian Louboutin and, therefore, were subject to protection under the Anti-unfair Competition Law.

06 October 2022

Backward step for Louboutin in complaint against Amazon

Advocate General Maciej Szpunar’s opinion suggests that, if it is made clear to the reasonably well-informed and reasonably observant internet user that goods are offered by a third party, an intermediary platform may not infringe an owner's EU trademark rights.

15 August 2022

Nine ways to keep costs down: corporate insight

In-house leaders in a range of industries share their top tips on how to get the most out of available tools when budgets are tight.

13 January 2022

Online marketplaces in India that should be on counterfeit enforcement radars – part one

Featured in Online marketplace counterfeit hotspots

In the latest instalment identifying the digital marketplaces that brand owners should monitor as part of their global anti-counterfeiting efforts, we head to India.

06 October 2021

How Christian Louboutin is breaking IP boundaries: exclusive interview with group general counsel

Christian Louboutin group general counsel Xavier Ragot reveals how the legal department at one of the world’s most famous luxury brands has spent the past decade improving education and awareness in the IP space to fight counterfeiting and protect its iconic red sole mark.

26 May 2021

Colour trademarks in Japan: Hitachi decision highlights obstacles for brands

A recent decision at the Japan IP High Court has shone a spotlight on the difficulty of obtaining registered trademark protection for non-traditional marks in Japan. 

27 July 2020

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