Organisation: Coca-Cola

Branching out and rebranding – how Coca-Cola is keeping fresh

Less than a quarter of trademark applications that Coca-Cola filed across major registers between 2018 and 2022 were for soft drinks, according to CompuMark data. 

27 March 2023

Top tips for creating trademark and trade dress protection evidence

It is important for in-house counsel and marketing teams to work together to create evidence of secondary meaning, which will take trademarks and trade dress from unprotectable to valuable intellectual property.

15 March 2023

Brand Tracker: September-December 2022

Featured in Brand trademark tracker

Industry-leading brands saw an uptick in trademark filings in the final four months of 2022, WTR data analysis reveals, with notable increases at Nokia, Disney and Ford.

01 March 2023

Perception is powerful but authenticity is paramount when it comes to brand sustainability

Amazon, Tesla, Apple and Google lead sustainability brand value rankings but failure to be authentic could land a significant financial blow on companies around the globe, argues our Saturday opinion.

28 January 2023

Google and YouTube uphold media standing as world’s strongest brands

Google and YouTube have been named the world’s strongest brands, proving the power that media titles have in the eyes of consumers at a time of global brand crisis.

19 January 2023

Why ChatGPT is a “game changer” for trademark professionals – an academic’s perspective

In an exclusive column, academic Cameron Shackell, founder and CEO of AI firm GeneriTrend, takes a deep-dive into the practical ways that ChatGPT could assist trademark professionals.

19 January 2023

Brand protection on Mastodon: what trademark professionals need to know

WTR explores what rights holders need to know about Mastodon, revealing concerning examples of brand impersonation on the platform’s biggest server.

12 December 2022

UPS law firm diversity scheme winners revealed as corporate DEI programmes push on despite challenges

Despite some bumps in the road, the momentum behind corporate schemes to drive DEI in the law firm sector are clearly gathering momentum.

08 October 2022

Unprecedented flood of infringement: study reveals hundreds of opportunistic filings in Russia as foreign brands targeted

A major new study has identified nearly 500 trademark applications filed in Russia that are identical or similar to famous foreign brands.

24 August 2022

Food brands bounce back as values exceed pre-pandemic levels  

Food brand values have returned to pre-pandemic levels, with Nestlé and Coca-Cola the highest ranking in their sectors, according to the latest Brand Finance report.

17 August 2022

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