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EUIPO trends and top filers: 2015/16

Featured in Trademark register tracker

The past year has been a busy one in Alicante. In addition to expanding its tools and activities, the EU Intellectual Property Office had to prepare for the changes ushered in by the European trademark reform package. In this year’s annual survey, we asked users to assess its performance during this period of change

01 September 2016

Trademark operations benchmarking 2016

Featured in Community insights

While corporate trademark counsel continue to struggle with budget cuts and freezes, their counterparts in private practice are reporting increased workloads, revenues and positivity. Although this may at first seem counterintuitive, it stems from the symbiotic relationship between the two

29 April 2016

EUIPO trends and top filers: 2014/15

Featured in Trademark register tracker

While European trademark practice is on the cusp of significant change, the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market’s (OHIM) gaze is firmly focused on the present. In this year’s annual OHIM survey we asked users to assess the office’s current performance and the likely impact that the legislative package will have once enacted

01 September 2015

Trademark operations benchmarking 2015

Featured in Community insights

While trademark counsel seem to be benefiting from closer relationships with marketing, significant challenges remain – not least managing an increasingly complex digital workload within renewed budgetary constraints

01 May 2015

Made to measure?

A key question that this year’s non-legal trademark services survey sought to answer is whether, in addition to value for money, users are receiving the tailored services they require

05 January 2015

From fees to the future

<i>World Trademark Review</i> presents its annual focus on the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market, polling users to gauge sentiment on its performance, assessing the impact of upcoming legislative changes and presenting updates direct from Alicante.

31 August 2014

When the sums don’t add up

While some trademark teams have finally seenbudgets improve over the last year, for many thesituation remains straitened. The challenge forthem is clear: ensuring that reduced spend and newenforcement approaches do not lead to significantlyincreased risk

23 April 2014

Locating your virtual partners

WTR asks trademark counsel for feedback on the services they receive from online brand protection specialists and quizzes vendors onwhether more can be done to help brand owners meet today’s online challenges

20 December 2013

Watching the watchers

WTR asks users to have their say on how the nonlegaltrademark services industry is meeting theirneeds, and asks vendors to respond to user concernsand requests

31 October 2013

OHIM users have their say on a year of change in European trademarks

As part of our annual OHIM focus, WTR polled theoffice’s top filers to gauge their perception of itsperformance and address some of the most pressingissues in the European trademark industry – andasked OHIM to provide an update on its activities

02 September 2013

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