Region: El Salvador

NO FAKES introduced; ASEAN design law treaty; El Salvador’s new IP law – legislation and policy watch (August 2024)

WTR’s monthly column tracks trademark and related policy developments, including the progress of major bills, from around the world.

02 September 2024

El Salvador: Trademark procedures and strategies

Featured in World Trademark Review Yearbook 2022/2023

In February 2019, the Administrative Procedures Law became effective to unify procedures and recourses across the executive branch. The new law affects many procedures managed by the RIP, benefiting trademark holders providing certainty, shorter terms for government officials to resolve petitions filed, extensions of time to file documents and setting sanctions to government officials that do not observe the new terms, among other things.

21 October 2022

El Salvador

Featured in World Trademark Review Yearbook 2021/2022

Only previously registered trademarks are subject to opposition on renewal.

29 July 2021

Key requirements for trademark licensing in Latin America and the Caribbean

When creating a regional licensing programme, understanding the nuances of the rules and regulations at jurisdictional level is key to success.

08 July 2020

Trademark procedures and strategies: El Salvador

Featured in World Trademark Review Yearbook 2020/2021

Rights in unregistered marks arise only where the relevant mark is sufficiently well known and this can be proved.

17 March 2020

Trademark procedures and strategies: El Salvador

Featured in World Trademark Review Yearbook 2019/2020

Any natural or legal person can apply for and acquire the right to own a mark in El Salvador. No conditions of nationality, domicile or establishment apply.

12 September 2018

Trademark procedures and strategies: El Salvador

Featured in World Trademark Review Yearbook 2019/2020

rademarks registered previously are subject to opposition on renewal; in contrast, trademarks registered under the 2002 law are not published on renewal. Marks are protected for 10 years, renewable every 10 years. An additional advantage is the inclusion of clear and simple rules for calculating damages. The law has its own statute of limitations rules, which prevail over the Code of Commerce’s general provisions.

29 March 2017

Trademark procedures and strategies: El Salvador

Featured in World Trademark Review Yearbook 2017/2018

rademarks registered previously are subject to opposition on renewal; in contrast, trademarks registered under the 2002 law are not published on renewal. Marks are protected for 10 years, renewable every 10 years. An additional advantage is the inclusion of clear and simple rules for calculating damages. The law has its own statute of limitations rules, which prevail over the Code of Commerce’s general provisions.

29 March 2017

El Salvador

Trademarks registered previously are subject to opposition on renewal; in contrast, trademarks registered under the 2002 law are not published on renewal. Marks are protected for 10 years, renewable every 10 years.

18 September 2015

Survey on perception of counterfeiting in El Salvador released

The American Chamber of Commerce in El Salvador has released the results of a survey on the perception of counterfeiting and piracy in the country. Among other things, the survey showed that there is a generalized belief that "buying counterfeit products is smart"; 65.9% of the population believes that counterfeit goods cost at least half the price of the original products.

30 May 2008

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