Region: El Salvador

Limited online access to trademark database allowed

In order to comply with the numerous obligations imposed by the ratification of the DR-CAFTA, El Salvador has granted limited access to the trademark database. The National Bureau of Registries has launched the <i>Centro Nacional de Registros</i>, an online database which allows the public to determine the status of the trademarks, patents and copyrights processed in El Salvador.

11 December 2007

Changes to Trademark Law provoked by Free Trade Agreement

The amendments to the Salvadorian Trademark Law required by the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement with the United States came into force on January 20 2006. The changes, which include substantive and procedural issues, generally broaden the scope of protection for trademarks in El Salvador.

28 February 2006

Reform reduces tax benefits for IP rights owners

Income derived from the use of IP rights registered abroad is now taxable in El Salvador. The tax reform also removes the right to deduct as corporate expenses any payment relating to the use of intellectual property to subsidiaries located in tax havens. In addition, the amendments impose obligations on applicants for IP rights in relation to their tax status.

20 July 2005

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