Organisation: Ericsson

Why trademark professionals should have their eyes on the European Commission’s SEP proposals next week

This year’s World IP Day is set to be used as the launching pad for an announcement that has been the subject of intense debate and lobbying in the patent community. 

22 April 2023

European Commission set to give EUIPO responsibility for standard essential patents: big challenges lie ahead

The European Commission is set to announce that the EUIPO will maintain a register of SEPs and oversee royalty rate setting. 

29 March 2023

The Diversity Pledge: why the world’s biggest companies are driving innovation through patent data

Featured in WTR Special Report Q4 2022: Building a better workplace: How to support diversity, equity and inclusion in the IP industry

05 January 2023

The Diversity Pledge: why the world’s biggest companies are signing up to drive innovation through IP data

Lenovo, Meta and Microsoft are among those signing the Diversity Pledge to improve representation in – and the transparency of – patent inventorship data.

30 November 2022

Engaging CFOs is an IP challenge overcome through collaboration

Trademark professionals should make a more concerted collaborative effort with CFOs, argues this week’s Saturday opinion.

18 June 2022

How Venable has utilised technology to develop a new branded naming service

Venable has launched a new tech-driven naming service that quickly provides ‘already cleared’ naming options to marketers and brand development professionals.

03 March 2021

Has China changed? Brand owners face an evolving and uncertain legal landscape

An analysis of recent decisions illustrates an evolving desire by China’s courts to take decisive action against infringers. However, there are a number of strategies that rights holders need to implement to maximise their chances of brand protection success.

01 March 2018

Fusing corporate brands: the IP implications of growth through M&A

Where companies merge with or acquire other businesses, the challenge for IP professionals is not always as simple as ensuring the smooth transfer of the associated rights – there is also the question of combined or conflicting brands

01 May 2017

New Balance ordered to pay $16 million in damages to Chinese businessman

In a recent case that has attracted significant attention, the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court has ordered Xin Bai Lun Trade (China) Ltd, a subsidiary of New Balance, to pay Rmb98 million (approximately $15.8 million) in compensation to the owner of the registered mark XIN BAI LUN. Controversially, the court determined that the amount of damages should be half of Xin Bai Lun China’s net income from 2011 to 2013.

28 May 2015

The trailblazing corporate trademark teams revealed in awards shortlist

Almost 1,500 nominations and two months of extensive research later, the shortlist for this year's WTR Industry Awards can now be revealed. The awards recognise the vital work of in-house trademark counsel and identify those teams and individuals that are performing their functions to the highest standards. The winners will be announced next month at an exclusive reception in Washington DC.

19 April 2012

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