Organisation: EUIPO

“We are failing”: study reveals $461 billion international trade in counterfeit and pirated goods

A major new study released today has revealed that counterfeit and pirated goods represented up to 2.5% of world trade in 2013 – a figure that Antonio Campinos, president of the EU Intellectual Property Office, noted “is equivalent to combined GDP of the Czech Republic and Ireland”. Reflecting on this, BASCAP director Jeff Hardy has called on policymakers to do more to fight the scourge of counterfeiting.

18 April 2016

EUIPO Board of Appeal should carry out own independent assessment, holds General Court

In 2003 publishing company Karl-May-Verlag GmbH registered the WINNETOU mark as an EU trademark. In a recent decision, the General Court held that the EU IP Office Board of Appeal should not have treated decisions on the registrability of the WINNETOU mark from the German national courts as binding in an EU trademark invalidity action, but rather should have made its own independent assessment of the mark.

14 April 2016

The good, the bad and the stubborn: study highlights challenge posed by attitudes towards fake goods

The EUIPO has released new research into attitudes to piracy and counterfeiting among young consumers. The research, which comes in at 248 pages, contains a wealth of information – but not all of it is easy reading for those tasked with winning over hearts and minds in the fight against counterfeit goods.

07 April 2016

Farewell OHIM, hello EUIPO: the European Intellectual Property Office opens for business

Yesterday OHIM closed its doors, to allow time for staff to install the necessary system upgrades to adapt the website and its online application tools in light of the requirements of EU Regulation 2015/2424. Today the office re-opened for business, albeit with a new identity.

23 March 2016

OHIM faces up to digital challenge of rebrand as third parties register EUIPO domains

As with any organisational rebrand, OHIM faces a host of challenges as it prepares to change its name. One is the registration of (and subsequent transition to) new domains. Research conducted by <i>World Trademark Review</i> has revealed that a number of third parties have already purchased ‘EUIPO’ related domains - though some plan on using them to promote awareness about the EU trademark reforms.

15 January 2016

Practical implications of EU trademark reforms

The new EU trademark reforms enacted in December have introduced some important practical changes on matters such as fee levels, payment dates, representations of trademarks and amendments to existing registrations for class headings.

14 January 2016

The European trademark package: what’s changing; when and how to prepare

For many in the trademark world, a late edition to the holiday season reading list was delivered in late December with publication of the new trademark regulation in the <i>Official Journal of the European Union</i>. The amending regulation will enter into force on March 23 2016. Time, then, for a round-up of some of the notable upcoming changes and what counsel should be doing now.

08 January 2016

EUIPO trends and top filers: 2014/15

Featured in Trademark register tracker

While European trademark practice is on the cusp of significant change, the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market’s (OHIM) gaze is firmly focused on the present. In this year’s annual OHIM survey we asked users to assess the office’s current performance and the likely impact that the legislative package will have once enacted

01 September 2015

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