Organisation: European Parliament

OHIM repeals Communication 4/03 in response to IP TRANSLATOR ruling

OHIM has speedily responded to yesterday’s ECJ ruling in the <i>IP TRANSLATOR</i> case, repealing Communication 4/03 and clarifying the treatment of both existing CTM trademark and pending/future applications.

20 June 2012

IP TRANSLATOR decision “makes matters even more complex”

The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled in the <i>IP TRANSLATOR</i> case. While the decision was expected to provide clarity over the class headings issue, one commentator states that it instead “makes matters even more complex and confusing”.

19 June 2012

OHIM gets green light to expand activities

The Council of the European Union has adopted the proposal to entrust OHIM with the EU Observatory on Infringements of IP Rights. While the move will expand OHIM’s role, the council has stressed that the new tasks will not extend to participation in individual operations or investigations carried out by national authorities.

26 March 2012

ACTA referred to ECJ in bid to dispel concern (updated)

With the number of countries reviewing their position on the Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement rising, the agreement is to be referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union in order to assess whether it is compatible with the European Union’s fundamental rights and freedoms. Rather than resulting from concern, the move is intended to fight back against what one commissioner terms “misinformation” and “rumour”.

23 February 2012

Will Saturday’s day of action send ACTA the same way as SOPA?

A day of action against the Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement is scheduled to take place across Europe on Saturday (February 11). Those intending to protest against the international treaty hope that their actions will lead to the agreement being quashed, or at the very least postponed, as happened with the SOPA and PIPA bills recently.

08 February 2012

Top 10 trademark news stories for January

While posted late in the month, <i>WTR</i>’s coverage of a ranking of the top trademark bullies, defined according to the number of oppositions filed, quickly became the most-read blog in January – a reflection of the divisive nature of the debate on what constitutes bullying.

06 February 2012

Online protest spreads to Europe as countries sign up to ACTA (updated)

Last week, the power of online protest was demonstrated when PROTECT IP and SOPA seemingly stalled in the US legislature following the high-profile closure of websites which objected to the planned acts. Online action has now reached Europe, with the Polish government under attack over its intention to sign ACTA. Despite the protests, the signing went ahead today as planned.

26 January 2012

A missed opportunity to address the lookalikes problem?

In a presentation at the European Parliament, Nunzia Varricchio, chair of MARQUES, has lamented the fact that the European Commission’s review of the trademark system has not taken the opportunity to tackle inconsistencies in the treatment of lookalikes, leaving brand owners to navigate a complex maze of legislation.

12 January 2012

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