Organisation: European Patent Office

“We have the capacity to implement whatever the legislators decide”: EUIPO head on SEP regulation

EUIPO Executive Director João Negrão has provided an update on the office's preparedness to take on responsibilities related to standard essential patents.

01 November 2023

Ex-EUIPO head suggests SEP role should not go to agency “with no experience in the field of patents”

António Campinos, president of the European Patent Office and a former executive director of the EUIPO, has written to the European Parliament’s legal affairs committee to voice concern over recent proposals on standard essential patents.

23 October 2023

While grabbing fewer headlines than a decade ago, 3D printing needs to remain on the brand protection radar 

New research reveals continued growth in 3D printing innovation and activity.

30 September 2023

Amendments to the Industrial Property Act: key points highlighted

Procedures for trademark revocation and declarations of invalidity will now be initiated before the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office.

17 August 2023

Innovation at the EUIPO: spotlight on value-add tools and services

In the third and final part of exclusive insights from the EUIPO, the agency shares information on some of the cutting-edge services it offers.

24 July 2023

Interview exclusive: UKIPO CEO on his ambitions for the office

In an exclusive interview with WTR, CEO Adam Williams reveals how his background in policy negotiation and ability to see the long-term picture will help to achieve some of the UKIPO's biggest ambitions.

09 March 2023

SMEs suffering from IP infringement have 34% less chance of survival, EUIPO report says

A new EUIPO report warns that as many as 40% of SMEs in the European Union do not monitor for counterfeiting and other forms of IP infringement, even though SMEs that have had their IP rights infringed have a 34% lower chance of staying in the market than those that have not.

03 February 2023

Innovation at the UKIPO: spotlight on trademark tools and services

Featured in IP office tools and services

In exclusive insights, representatives from the UKIPO share the innovative tools and services they have launched or are developing for the future.

01 February 2023

What the Brazilian presidential election result means for IP

Following a tight run-off race, Lula da Silva is to become the next president of Brazil. His election could have a significant impact on the country’s IP ecosystem.

08 December 2022

“The exchange of data is essential”: EUIPO head on enforcement efforts

Christian Archambeau, executive director of the EUIPO, expands on the future of the office’s enforcement tools and offerings.

27 June 2022

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