Organisation: FBI

FBI agent tells mark owners to 'help us to help you' in fight against infringement

While the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s efforts against IP rights violations may not garner the same media coverage as its other enforcement activities, IP theft falls firmly under its white collar crime remit. Speaking at this week’s INTA Leadership Meeting in Phoenix, one agent expanded on why some reported violations lead to active cases and some don’t.

14 November 2014

Cybercriminals are back in the USSR

It seems that a new home for cybercrooks has established itself at ‘.su’, the ccTLD of the former Soviet Union. The ‘.su’ TLD, which was assigned in 1990 and endured in spite of the dissolution of the Soviet Union, has seen an explosion of growth in recent years - mainly due, it seems, to the patronage of hackers, spammers and other online fraudsters.

18 July 2013

Europe eyes US online piracy battle as it prepares directive reform

Last week’s online protests at planned US legislation tackling online piracy seems to have succeeded in derailing its progress, with this week’s vote on PROTECT IP now postponed. As the European Commission works to revise the Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Directive, developments in the United States are being closely observed.

23 January 2012

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