Organisation: Forbes

Nike targeted in copyright suit that has distinct trademark implications

In a suit centred on the iconic Jordan Brand ‘Jumpman’ logo, a photographer is suing Nike for direct, vicarious and contributory copyright infringement, and for violations of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. While a copyright suit, it is one for trademark professionals to follow.

27 January 2015

License the dragon: lessons from the Bruce Lee estate’s merchandising push

Last week marked the 74th anniversary of Bruce Lee’s birth, his iconic image having spawned a business empire that is still flourishing. The steady rise in the Bruce Lee brand’s value in recent years illustrates some best practices as well as risks to consider for owners of celebrity brands.

03 December 2014

Research reveals sporting brands lag behind in gTLD registrations

We take a look at the world’s most valuable sports teams to see how they are approaching the gTLD expansion. The picture here is even bleaker than on the corporate scene, with private individuals taking the lead in terms of reserving primary brand names.

22 October 2014

Delhi High Court recognises that MICROSOFT is well-known mark

In <I>Microsoft Corporation v Kurapati Venkata Jagdeesh Babu</I>, Microsoft Corporation has been granted a permanent injunction and damages by the Delhi High Court against defendant Microsoft Multimedia Pvt Ltd. In doing so, the court held that the MICROSOFT mark is a well-known trademark and that the defendant was not entitled to use it either as a trademark or as part of its corporate name in relation to similar or dissimilar goods.

26 February 2014

Research tackles impact of Google’s keyword policy change on traffic to mark owners’ sites

The use of trademarks as keywords to trigger ads for competing companies is a subject that has been the focus of extensive coverage, in <i>WTR</i> and beyond. New research has used the click-stream data from internet users to explore the impact of Google’s 2010 European keywords policy change on traffic to trademark owners’ sites.

01 August 2013

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