Organisation: General Electric

INFORM Consumers Act reintroduced: collaboration versus mandatory action debate continues

The INFORM Consumers Act has been proposed as an amendment to the National Defence Authorisation Act. Our Saturday opinion reflects on the debate that has surrounded the bill.

24 September 2022

Why the brand bubble could be about to burst

With over 20 years’ experience assessing the value of intangible assets worldwide, Brand Finance’s David Haigh warns that slow growth and an international crisis could mean that brands are on the brink of a global crash.

06 April 2020

Build bridges, tell the truth: WTR Lifetime Achievement winner on the key to enforcement success

The eminent Jack Chang sits down with WTR to give an insight into his varied career. From establishing the China Anti-counterfeiting Coalition and the Quality Brands Protection Committee to being personally thanked by Vice Premier Madam Wu Yi for his work, Chang has significantly altered the trademark landscape in China.

27 June 2019

Trademark activity dwindles as values rise in the engineering and construction industry: exclusive data analysis

In this week’s industry data report, <em>World Trademark Review</em> analyses the engineering and construction sector. We examine key trademark-related data and explore the positions of the leading brands in this space.

15 April 2018

America first... for now: how Chinese and European brands are closing the gap

Exclusive analysis reveals why major US brands are feeling the pressure of increased competition in the global marketplace – and how they can fight back.

13 February 2018

Apple and AT&T jostle for top spot as rankings gulf prompts call for new valuation accounting

A new report has revealed that, while Apple ranks as the leading company in terms of intangible value (including brands and trademarks), it drops out of the top 100 entirely when only disclosed intangible value is assessed, with AT&T taking the number one spot. This disparity has led to calls for a “reporting revolution”, in which companies would be required to disclose their opinion of the fair value of key intangible assets. Should this become a reality, it could have a significant impact on trademark practice.

27 June 2017

Google (and China) rising, while Apple takes a fall

There has been a shake-up at the top of the Brand Finance annual Global 500 report, with Google knocking Apple from its perch after five years at the top. But it is Chinese brands which saw the most growth in 2016

01 March 2017

When brands and politics collide

In a year dominated by divisive political events, brands often featured in fast-moving campaigns and election cycles – whether intentionally or otherwise. Careful risk management and a clear communications strategy are crucial to survive the political circus unscathed

01 January 2017

Quality v quantity: Apple dominates brand portfolio value list as Chinese conglomerates grow

Apple has been revealed as owning the world’s most valuable brand portfolio, despite this value predominately residing in one master brand. By contrast, drawing on 539 individual brands, Nestlé is sitting on a $66.6 billion portfolio. The latest top 100 list therefore illustrates the benefits of both the master and multi-brand approaches to consumer engagement. Both, though, come with downsides.

30 August 2016

Toyota hits out at trademark misuse as Brexit campaigning enters home stretch

In less than two weeks the UK electorate will vote on whether the country should remain a member of the European Union. The campaign from both sides has intensified as polling day approaches. Yesterday Toyota became embroiled in the debate, hitting out at the unauthorised use of its trademarks by the ‘leave’ camp.

10 June 2016

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