Topic: Geographical indication

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FTC at ready as INFORM Consumers Act takes effect; EUIPO gets GI role green light from MEPs – legislation and policy watch (July 2023)

WTR’s monthly column tracks trademark and related policy developments, including the progress of major bills, from around the world.

17 July 2023

Supporting Ukraine; GIs in the spotlight; ChatGPT takes centre stage – highlights from ECTA 2023

WTR shares insights from ECTA's 41st Annual Conference in Prague, with hundreds of brand professionals and one Olympic medallist in attendance.

03 July 2023

The growing need for an internationally harmonised approach to GIs

Trademark experts analyse differences among key jurisdictions’ treatment of this pivotal right and speak out for greater cooperation.

21 June 2023

Danish practice to align with EUIPO on following GI conflict over Scotch Whisky

A dispute involving the GI Scotch Whisky has led to a more harmonised approach between the DKPTO and EUIPO. It also highlights that consumer surveys are a powerful tool when evidence of public perception is required.

15 June 2023

Is ‘Parmesan’ a translation of ‘Parmigiano Reggiano’? High Court considers qualification of rights process for the first time

The decision provides clarity to parties seeking to enforce their GIs or qualify the scope of protection of GIs.

22 May 2023

Court considers recognition of appellation of origin identical to registered trademark

In a controversial decision, the court dismissed a nullity claim filed by the owner of the mark LOS LINGUES in Class 33 against a decree recognising the appellation of origin ‘Los Lingues’ for wines.

28 April 2023

Ukraine adopts law on GIs for spirit drinks - main points highlighted

Among other things, the new law introduces a definition of ‘spirit drinks’ and sets out the requirements for the registration of a GI.

17 April 2023

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