Organisation: Honda

Facebook campaign highlights the power of brands, but activism is risky if a short-term endeavour

In our latest opinion column we consider the #StopHateforProfit campaign targeting Facebook and the light that it shines on the role – and expectations – of brands in society.

29 June 2020

OEM for export: balancing trademark rights and Chinese economics

Despite courts vacillating between opposing positions on whether affixing a trademark to OEM goods for export constitutes use or non-use of a trademark, the Supreme People’s Court now appears to have settled on an answer.

06 April 2020

Why the brand bubble could be about to burst

With over 20 years’ experience assessing the value of intangible assets worldwide, Brand Finance’s David Haigh warns that slow growth and an international crisis could mean that brands are on the brink of a global crash.

06 April 2020

Honda ruling offers key takeaways for OEM and trademark use in China

The Supreme People’s Court decision in Honda provides some much needed clarity on the issue of trademark use in original equipment manufacturing and what constitutes a ‘relevant public’.

30 March 2020

OEM for export: Supreme People’s Court expands definition of ‘relevant public’ in HONDAKIT case

In Honda Motor Co Ltd v Chongqing Hengsheng Xintai Trading Co Ltd, the Supreme People’s Court of China has, for the first time, defined the ‘relevant public’ in OEM cases as including all operators and consumers that may have access to OEM goods for export.

12 November 2019

1st AMERICAN mark deemed distinctive as a whole

In opposition proceedings involving Italian company Fashion Energy and US company Retail Royalty, the EU General Court has found that the Second Board of Appeal of the EUIPO had not appropriately assessed the distinctive character of Fashion Energy’s 1st AMERICAN mark.

20 August 2019

What Volkswagen’s portfolio tells us about disruption in the automotive industry

With the rise of autonomous driving technology, ride-hailing companies and micromobility transportation, traditional automotive manufacturers need to evolve fast. Positively, the strength and reputation of existing brands will prove key to fighting off digital start-ups.

22 July 2019

Last year was big for the Toyota brand: could 2019 be even bigger?

Toyota has taken big strides in the last year, with a 17% increase in brand value in 2018 alone. Managing counsel Theresa Conduah discusses the trademark implications of this busy 12 months.

09 July 2019

Netflix tops simplicity ranking as ease of use identified as driver of brand value  

New research has named Netflix as the world's ‘simplest’ brand, with the company leapfrogging Aldi, Google and Lidl to take top spot.

19 November 2018

Brand valuation: deciphering the trends and what it means for businesses

We analyse current brand valuation trends and explain why trademark counsel should pay more attention to the rapidly growing valuation industry.

02 November 2018

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