Organisation: Honda

Enforcement success story: Honda takes on infringers in Peru

Japanese multinational corporation Honda, a widely known manufacturer of automobiles, motorcycles and power equipment, has developed a successful strategy to deal with infringers in Peru.

03 October 2018

America first... for now: how Chinese and European brands are closing the gap

Exclusive analysis reveals why major US brands are feeling the pressure of increased competition in the global marketplace – and how they can fight back.

13 February 2018

Managing trademark assets

Last October <em class="Alright-italic">World Trademark Review</em> hosted Managing Trademark Assets in Chicago; crisis communications and the creative tactics needed to foster a cross-enterprise understanding of trademarks were just two of the strategic issues discussed

01 January 2018

The trials and errors of Article 10(1)(8) of the Trademark Law

While Chinese courts have made significant progress in improving the quality of their rulings, and full credit must be given to the many steps taken by the courts to deal with the problem of inconsistency between judgments and the application of the law, decisions surrounding Article 10(1)(8) of the Trademark Law remain a puzzle that vexes practitioners attempting to understand the scope of its application.

12 May 2017

Trademark registrations up, designs down as the Japan Patent Office reveals the top registrants for 2016

The Japan Patent Office received its highest number of trademark applications in 10 years during 2016, according to the agency’s latest annual report. Of the top 10 registrants last year, nine were Japanese entities (the exception being South Korea’s LG Electronics).

07 April 2017

Google (and China) rising, while Apple takes a fall

There has been a shake-up at the top of the Brand Finance annual Global 500 report, with Google knocking Apple from its perch after five years at the top. But it is Chinese brands which saw the most growth in 2016

01 March 2017

Stars struck? India’s tough new take on celebrity endorsements

Celebrity endorsements are big business in India, where a nod from a Bollywood star or pro cricketer can be enough to convince consumers to part with hard-earned cash. But new legislation could be set to change this

01 January 2017

Top trademark and design registrants in Japan revealed

The most recent edition of the JPO’s annual Status Report indicates that 2015 was a bumper year for trademark filings in Japan. The JPO received 147,283 applications during the year, representing a year-on-year increase of 18.4%. Trademark registrations themselves, on the other hand, were slightly down, from 99,896 in 2014 to 98,085 in 2015.

01 July 2016

Trademark patterns of the top R&D-driven innovators

The trademark patterns of R&D-driven innovators confirm the role of trademarks as a key intangible asset in the corporate strategies of innovative firms

01 March 2016

The world’s most valuable brands in 2016

While some sceptics still question the point of brand valuations – given that different valuers arrive at significantly different amounts – understanding the methodologies used demonstrates that brand value is a crucial indicator of overall corporate value, now more than ever

01 March 2016

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