Organisation: HSBC

IP financing and trademarks: three takeaways from new WIPO-UKIPO report

WIPO director general Daren Tang urges IP offices to “play a central role as catalysts for IP finance”.

19 March 2024

Brand enforcement in the ‘.ai’ domain space needs to be a priority

New research finds major brands exposed in the ‘.ai’ TLD space, meaning that it needs to be at the top of the domain monitoring list – before it’s too late.

11 November 2023

How to make IP-based lending mainstream

Martin Brassell, co-founder and CEO of Inngot, argues the need to deliver reliable, comparable and affordable IP valuations to make IP-based lending mainstream, in this week’s guest opinion column.

02 September 2023

Bluesky Social: what brand protection professionals need to know about Twitter rival

WTR takes a look at the current brand protection ecosystem on the Bluesky Social platform, with our research identifying active impersonation accounts related to major brands. 

25 August 2023

Koo: brand protection on one of the world’s fastest-growing social networks

WTR speaks with Koo’s head of legal & policy about what trademark practitioners need to know about protecting their brands on the platform.

06 April 2023

HSBC banned ads raise question of green claims value for banking brands

Green metrics mean more to B2B bank customers, creating a unique opportunity for bank brands to differentiate themselves based on the priorities of their primary market, data analysis reveals.

10 November 2022

“It is part salesmanship, part showmanship”: how to build a sturdy practice

Founders of some of the world’s most successful trademark firms share their tips for turning a vision into a success story, offering insight into crafting a unique business strategy, engaging stakeholders and managing the work-life balance.

11 August 2020

Why the brand bubble could be about to burst

With over 20 years’ experience assessing the value of intangible assets worldwide, Brand Finance’s David Haigh warns that slow growth and an international crisis could mean that brands are on the brink of a global crash.

06 April 2020

UK trademark scene post-Brexit: a world-class IP office dealing with uncertainty in a volatile brand environment

We provide a breakdown of the UK trademark market – examining how Brexit has affected filing strategies, inspecting brand value trends, and analysing the stellar performance of the UK IP Office.

06 May 2018

Valuation firm claims Brexit “an opportunity” for British brands; historical data reveals a more nuanced reality

Brand Finance’s annual brand valuation ranking of British companies reveals a year-on-year rise in total value, with the company arguing Brexit is “an opportunity and stimulus for many British brands”. However, a look at past data suggests brand values lag behind pre-Brexit figures.

24 April 2018

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