Region: Iceland

Appeal court confirms cancellation of TOPPÍS mark in long-running ice-cream war

A ruling from the First Appeal Court of Iceland cancelling the trademark TOPPÍS brings to an end a years-long dispute between two manufacturers of ice cream.

09 July 2019

Patent Office rejects WHEN IN ICELAND opposition

A recent Icelandic Patent Office decision serves as a useful reminder that the evaluation of similarity as set out in the Trademarks Act should always involve a nuanced comparison of the marks.

20 March 2019

Italian consortium prevents registration of EMILIANA by Chilean wine producer

Iceland’s Patent Office has upheld an opposition filed by Consorzio Tutela Vini Emilia – the Italian association for the protection of the GI ‘Emilia’ for wine – against the registration of EMILIANA by a Chilean wine producer.

28 November 2018

Mastercard wins appeal against device mark for likelihood of confusion

The Board of Appeal has found a likelihood of confusion between Mastercard’s well-known device marks and a device mark comprising two interlocking circles.

11 May 2018

APP STORE refusal overturned on appeal: mark distinctive for goods and services in Classes 9 and 35

The Board of Appeal has overturned a decision of the Patent Office refusing to register the mark APP STORE for goods in Class 9 and services in Class 35 on the grounds that it lacked distinctive character and was descriptive.

27 February 2018

TÍMAFLAKK mark refused registration

The Reykjavik District Court has upheld an opposition against the registration of the trademark TÍMAFLAKK based on Article 13 of the Trademarks Act.

26 January 2018

Differences in assessing likelihood of confusion

The Icelandic Patent Office and board of appeal have differed in how to assess the likelihood of confusion between trademarks in Class 5. The board of appeal overturned the patent office's rejection of the TISTELTO mark, concluding that the prefix ‘TI’ made the marks sufficiently different to avoid any danger of confusion pursuant to the Trademarks Act.

07 September 2017

Supreme Court: defendant acted in bad faith when registering mark identical to appellant's foreign mark

In Samba LLC v Sushisamba ehf, the Supreme Court has upheld Samba LLC’s claim for the cancellation of Sushisamba ehf’s registration for the mark SUSHISAMBA. Among other things, the Supreme Court found that Samba LLC had proved beyond doubt that Sushisamba ehf knew or should have known of the existence of Samba LLC's foreign mark when it registered its own mark, and had acted in bad faith under Article 14, Paragraph 1, Item 9 of the Trademarks Act.

22 February 2017

Supreme Court finds in favour of Ursus

The Supreme Court has issued a judgment prohibiting Ursus Maritimus Investors from using the word 'ursus' in the company name, trademarks and otherwise in the course of business on the grounds of confusion.

12 January 2017

Board of Appeal accepts registration of SHARING EXPERTISE

The Icelandic Patent Office had held that the word mark SHARING EXPERTISE lacked distinctive character and was descriptive of the goods and services covered. However, the Board of Appeal overturned this decision and accepted registration of the mark.

22 June 2016

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