Organisation: INDECOPI

LVMH successful on appeal in counterfeiting case

The Administrative Court of Appeals has revoked a resolution of the Trademark Office in which the latter had rejected a trademark infringement action filed by LVMH against an importer of purses bearing the sign LX and floral designs. The court considered that the LX sign and the floral designs were confusingly similar to LVMH’s monogram trademark.

25 November 2014

Court rejects coexistence agreement between Nissan and GM

The Administrative Court of Appeals has rejected a coexistence agreement between Nissan and General Motors and, consequently, refused Nissan's trademark application for NP300. The court held that, even though the parties had entered into a coexistence agreement, consumers might be confused as the marks NP300 and N300 are similar and cover the same goods in Class 12.

29 October 2014

PTO creates Transitory Commission to help tackle workload

By means of Resolution No 113-2014-INDECOPI/COD, the Peruvian Trademark Office has created a Transitory Commission which will assist the current commission in solving all pending cases. Due to its significant workload, the PTO took a long time to decide cases, which was not beneficial for trademark holders and applicants.

14 October 2014

Counterfeiter's registration for confusingly similar mark cancelled

The Peruvian Trademark Office has ordered the cancellation of the stylised trademark MIROCA M on the ground that it was confusingly similar to the stylised trademarks WILSON and W, registered in the name of Wilson Sporting Goods Co. When goods bearing the MIROCA M had been seized, the owner of the goods had sought to rely on the fact that she held a valid trademark registration.

02 September 2014

INDECOPI suspends '' domain name registration

INDECOPI has ordered Red Científica Peruana - the administrator of the '.pe' ccTLD - to suspend the registration of the domain name ''. INDECOPI based its decision on the fact that the 'Pirate Bay' website has been involved in legal actions in other jurisdictions, and that it has been proven that the website contributes to the violation of third-party IP rights.

12 March 2014

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