Region: Indonesia

3D trademarks and customs recordation in Indonesia – a year in review

Fajar Kusumo of K&K Advocates looks back at 2023, changing client needs, the rise of 3D trademarks, and what the next 12 months have in store.

09 January 2024

Brand protection at the Indonesian border: insights and strategies from the front line

Featured in Border and customs protection around the world

In the next instalment from our new series on brand protection at national borders and ports of entry, we head to Indonesia.

06 November 2023

10 years of filing activity in ASEAN

We delve into filing data over the past decade to reveal trademark filing trends across the 10 countries.

19 October 2023

PETRONAS named most valuable ASEAN brand, but banking industry steals the show

Brand Finance’s first ASEAN rankings reveal the most valuable brands in the region.

18 October 2023

Top trademark filers across ASEAN unveiled

Data analysis reveals the companies with the largest trademark portfolios in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations – and evolving trends among the most active filers.

16 October 2023

Indonesian Customs looks to debunk myths about recordation restrictions

Indonesia’s Directorate General of Customs and Excise urges brand owners to record their rights, demonstrating the benefits of recent seizures in an exclusive interview with WTR.

10 October 2023

Specialist Chapter: Trademark Hijacking Across the Region and How to Overcome it

Featured in The Trademark Prosecution Review 2024

More and more Chinese brands are becoming known by overseas consumers, largely thanks to the Belt and Road Initiative. It is critical that Chinese companies know how to protect their brands overseas – especially throughout the Asia-Pacific region.

22 September 2023

New E-court System Aims to Simplify Proceedings and Significantly Drive Down Operational Costs in Indonesia

The debut of a digital platform for all Commercial Court cases will create a more effective and efficient system for all parties – provided the technological advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

25 August 2023

How P&G overcomes obstacles to rely on 3D marks in Indonesia

Procter & Gamble's senior legal counsel shares her experience securing and enforcing 3D trademarks when trade dress protection is not available.

07 August 2023

Preserving the “eternal touch” of Romanée-Conti in Indonesia

The DGIP has rejected two applications for the mark CONTI for wine on the ground that they were confusingly similar to ‘Domaine de la Romanée-Conti’, even though the latter is not registered as a GI in the country.

07 August 2023

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