Organisation: Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines

Innovation at WIPO: spotlight on alternative dispute resolution at IP offices

Featured in IP office tools and services

An exclusive guest post on how WIPO has been working with global IP offices to promote the advantages of alternative dispute resolution services.

15 October 2020

IP Office Innovation Ranking 2019

Featured in IP office Innovation

In exclusive research, WTR looks at the innovative non-core tools and services being offered by national IP registries around the world.

27 February 2019

Compulsory conundrum: debate surrounds mandatory mediation for IP disputes

The introduction of mandatory mediation in Greece has faced criticism which eventually led to its suspension; a move that has left question marks over whether wider adoption of such a model is viable.

07 November 2018

Philippine Action Plan on IP Rights Enforcement

The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) recently held the sixth Philippine Anti-counterfeiting and Piracy Summit with representatives from various member agencies of the National Committee on Intellectual Property Rights in attendance. The IPOPHL presented the NCIPR’s 2017–2022 Action Plan on IP Rights Enforcement.

15 December 2016

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