Organisation: International Trademark Association

Connections: the making of a memorable and effective IP conference

In this week’s Saturday opinion, WTR reflects on the opportunities that the APAA conference and INTA Annual Meeting have provided Asia-based IP practitioners this year.

25 November 2023

“You can’t change DEI overnight”: the INTA Foundation’s long-term strategy to facilitate change

Brand professionals gathered for a Barbie-themed event in Houston last week to raise funds for the INTA Foundation.  WTR sat down with some of the foundation’s board members to find out more about their mission.

24 November 2023

Policy dialogue with Peruvian law enforcement authorities: key points highlighted 

The main topics of discussion included training for law enforcement authorities and a proposal to amend the border measures legislation to include the seizure of goods in transit.

16 November 2023

“Trade secrets is a logical expansion of what we've already been doing”: INTA’s chief policy officer expands on future plans

INTA’s chief policy officer Heather Steinmeyer discusses how IP convergence is changing the role of in-house IP professionals, how the association is responding and where a committee on trade secrets fits in

31 October 2023

The trap door inside our phones: a guide to the latest trends in brand scams

Featured in WTR Special Report Q3 2023: Safeguarding style: an examination of brand protection in the fashion and luxury industry

04 October 2023

Evaluating corporate anti-counterfeiting efforts after the pandemic

Featured in Anti-counterfeiting and Online Brand Enforcement: Global Guide 2023

Anti-counterfeiting efforts have become a cost of doing business, with many companies allocating significant resources to fighting counterfeits, utilising technology and working closely with key stakeholders. INTA takes a close look at the ever-increasing sophistication of counterfeiters and argues that more must be done to combat the scourge of fake goods entering the market.

29 September 2023

Specialist Chapter: Letters of Consent in Chinese Prosecution Procedures

Featured in The Trademark Prosecution Review 2024

Letters of consent are not only a legal issue, but are crucial for consumer protection. As China shifts from high-speed growth to high-quality development, the CNIPA is changing its attitude to letters of consent in prosecution procedures.

22 September 2023

INTA files amicus brief in TRUMP TOO SMALL case; Diesel wins dispute; Wilko brand sold – news digest

In our latest round-up, we look at Netcraft acquiring FraudWatch, a watermelon wedge trademark cancellation being upheld, and much more. 

15 September 2023

INTA lobbying spend increases dramatically as US lawmakers debate IP-related bills 

New data reveals that INTA is engaging in more political lobbying in Washington DC than ever before.

16 August 2023

Business development, customer experience and a wider network: new INTA Asia-Pacific chief reveals plans for the future

INTA chief representative officer for Asia-Pacific Walter Chia reflects on his first six months in office and his ambitions for the role going forward.

14 August 2023

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