IP offices and government

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Carnival time for trademark practitioners and owners in Brazil

The Trademark Office is tackling one of the world'sworst examination backlogs and practitioners areworrying about the effects that the Madrid Protocolwill have on their revenue streams. Yet the Braziliantrademark market still holds promise for all itsstakeholders

10 March 2008

Counterfeiting perspectivesPRO-IP bill sparks controversy

A new anti-counterfeiting bill wasintroduced in the US Congress in December.However, it is meeting some resistance

10 March 2008

The case for Germany

Germany is the biggest and most affluentcountry in Europe. That makes it a vitalmarket for companies from across theworld. However, while Germany is amember of the European Union and should,therefore, follow standard EU trademarkpractice, there are certain nuances to theway the law is interpreted and enforced thatcould spell trouble for anyone failing to callupon the expertise of local counsel. And forthose used to working in a common lawjurisdiction, the fact that Germany is a civillaw country brings other factors into play

10 March 2008

Trademark managementTrademark warming in Africa

Recent developments mean thattrademark owners should make plansboth to develop their brands’ presence andto protect their rights in (and from) Africa

10 March 2008

CIRA orders transfer of 'formica.ca'

A Canadian Internet Registration Authority panel has ordered the transfer of the domain name 'formica.ca' to the owner of the FORMICA mark. Among other things, the panel found that the registrant had no legitimate interest in the 'formica.ca' domain name.

22 February 2008

Baltics look to keep building on success

Just over 10 years after leaving the Soviet Union,the Baltic states had created from scratch IPprotection systems that were good enough to allowthem into the European Union. But there is stillscope for improvement

16 January 2008

Counterfeiting perspectivesGovernment efforts to tackle counterfeiting and piracy

IP crime constitutes a serious threat to theeconomy of the United Kingdom. Therecently released Intellectual PropertyCrime Report 2007 highlights the scale ofcounterfeiting and piracy in the country,as well as the increasing efforts of industryand government to tackle the problem

16 January 2008

Meeting the Indian challenge

For trademark owners, India can be a land of opportunity, but also one thatposes major challenges. Four trademark practitioners discuss the issues

16 January 2008

Key amendment to Chinese Trademark Law coming soon

China enacted its first Trademark Law in 1982, andamended it in 1993 and 2001, respectively. The Chinesegovernment is now mulling over amending the law fora third time. Many view the changes as essential andthey are likely to have a significant impact on rightsholders and practitioners alike

16 January 2008

BOIP means business in Benelux

The Benelux Office of Intellectual Property has achieveda lot in just over 10 years. In that time, it has introducedexamination on absolute grounds, an oppositionprocess and expedited procedures. However, some arguethat it has gone from having one of the most liberalregistration systems in Europe to one of the strictest

16 January 2008

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