IP offices and government

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Coming of age

In the past 12 months the Irish Trademarks Act 1996has been amended for the first time and the Irishcourts have issued an exceptional number of decisions– all of which translates into a more sophisticated legalenvironment for brand owners

09 November 2007

Meeting the global IP challenge

The head of trademarks and related matters at theWorld Intellectual Property Organization shares hisviews on recent developments and what lies ahead forthe international organization

09 November 2007

The strong man at Europe’s door

The trademarks services of the Turkish Patent Institutehave improved considerably over a very short period,particularly in terms of processing speed. But issuesremain as to the quality of some decisions

09 November 2007

The end of an era

The UK trademark examination process will changedramatically next month when relative grounds are nolonger considered by the registry

11 September 2007

OHIM: A work in progress

Earlier this year OHIM published the results of itssecond user satisfaction survey. The findings showthat while progress has been made, there is still somework to be done

11 September 2007

Laying the ground for an IP hub

Singapore is making progress towards becoming aregional IP hub by amending its already maturetrademark law

11 September 2007

Guardians of the Community trademark

As the default courts for EU-wide Communitytrademark and Community design disputes betweennon-European parties, the courts in Alicante are ofcrucial importance to mark owners outside theEuropean Union. In the time since their creation in2004, they have been busy clarifying their level ofjurisdiction and their functions

11 September 2007

Pioneers in progress

As numbers of applications fortrademarks at the US Patent andTrademark Office continue to grow,the Trademark Operation is faced withnumerous problems, such as delaysand inconsistencies. But embracingnew technology and working methodsis helping it meet the rising demand

10 July 2007

Changes to Korean trademark law underway

A number of key amendments to Korean trademark law came into force on July 1 2007. They broaden the scope of protection for trademarks and bring into effect a number of important practice changes

10 July 2007

The view from down under

Australia is a wealthy, brand-focused country. For the well-preparedtrademark owner, this is very good news

10 July 2007

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