Work Area: IP public policy

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CAFTA changes trademark regimes across Central America

While some argue that the inclusion of externalIP policy in US trade agreements puts added pressureon negotiating nations, the fact remains that thisstrategy works since it protects US interests andbenefits local economies. The agreement signed withthe Dominican Republic and Central Americancountries is a case in point

16 March 2007

It’s fun to stay at the INTA

Practitioners go because of the opportunities tomeet their clients or agents, network and updatetheir trademark education. But when it comes downto it, what makes the INTA meeting so special andsuccessful is the people themselves

16 March 2007

The case for Canada

Canada is a G8 country with a distinctive trademarksystem and a competitive market for legal services.Throw in a long, heavily populated border with theUnited States and you have a jurisdiction that fewrights owners can afford to ignore.

15 March 2007

Inside the EU IP Enforcement Directive

Much is being made of the implementation in theEuropean Union of the IP Enforcement Directive.But what will the directive change in practice?

15 March 2007

Making sense of China

Problems, recurrent and new, hindering theenforcement of rights continue to obscure the horizonfor mark owners operating in or wishing to enter theChinese market. However, positive developments arebrightening the landscape and should also beacknowledged.

15 March 2007


15 March 2007

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