Region: Kenya

Kenya prepares to switch off fake phones (updated)

In a move that will be welcomed by mobile telecommunications trademark owners, the Communications Commission of Kenya is pressing ahead with plans to “phase out of use of counterfeit handsets”, with termination of network services to the fakes expected by the end of the year.

26 September 2011

Losing definition: the global debate over 'counterfeit' drugs

As Kenya moves to implement its controversial Anti-counterfeit Act, which effectively outlaws generic drugs, <i>WTR</i> examines the problem with the term 'counterfeit medicine' and why it troubles brand owners around the world.

02 February 2010

Court of Appeal denies protection to single colour

In <i>British American Tobacco Kenya Ltd v Cut Tobacco Kenya Ltd</i>, the Court of Appeal has held that there can be no proprietary rights in a particular colour and, in general, in words that are descriptive of goods. The case contains an interesting analysis of how the laws on trademark infringement and passing off are applied in Kenya.

12 February 2008

Counterfeit Goods Bill introduced

Kenya has introduced the Counterfeit Goods Bill 2005 into Parliament. Among other things, the bill seeks to prohibit (i) trade in counterfeit goods that infringe upon protected IP rights, and (ii) release of counterfeit goods into channels of commerce. It will also create offences relating to trade in counterfeit goods and establish a Counterfeit Goods Agency.

18 October 2005

Kenya's accession to Madrid system effective at last

The Trademarks (International Registration) Rules 2003 have come into force, making Kenya's participation in the Madrid international trademark registration system effective. The Trademarks (Amendments) Rules, which drastically reduce extension periods in opposition proceedings, came into force at the same time.

29 October 2003

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