Work Area: Law Firm Management

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Top 10 legal updates for July

Topping the list of July’s most-read <i>WTR</i> Premium Updates in July was analysis of an advocate general opinion which, if followed by the court, could impact the assessment of genuine use of Community trademarks. Elsewhere, legal updates addressing parody as a defence, mark stylisation and honest concurrent use caught the eye of <i>WTR</i>’s subscribers.

03 August 2012

Top 10 trademark news stories for July

Bucking the trend of top tens dominated by gTLD-related stories, the most-read stories on the <i>WTR</i> blog in July had a distinct brand flavour – with Coca-Cola, Chevron and Louboutin grabbing the headlines. Not to mention <i>that</i> Jack Daniels cease and desist letter.

02 August 2012

Creating IP value in China and beyond

Over the past five years, the IP Business Congress has brought together senior industry professionals to discuss the latest issues around IP value creation. In December the IPBC will venture outside Europe and North America to take the discussion on how rights owners can strategically use intellectual property to create internal and external value to the Chinese market.

18 July 2012

Top 10 legal updates for June

Leading the list of the most-read <i>WTR</i> Premium Updates in June was coverage of the long-awaited <i>IP TRANSLATOR</i> decision. The Court of Justice of the European Union’s judgment in <i>Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys v Registrar of Trademarks</i> (Case C-307/10) dealt for the first time with important questions regarding the specification of goods and services.

05 July 2012

Getting the message through – how trademark owners can persuade legislators to listen

New laws are drafted and crucial decisions made far away from the offices of trademark practitioners. So how can counsel ensure that their voices are heard in the corridors of power?

28 June 2012

INTA-related – the brands and trademarks nexus

WTR looks back on the key learnings from this year’sInternational Trademark Association annual meeting,held in Washington DC

28 June 2012

Applicants beware: the rising menace of trademark solicitations and scams

While many trademark counsel are alive to the dangerof trademark filing scams, increasing numbers of companies are paying invoices in the mistaken belief that such payment is necessary to maintain their trademark applications or registrations. While industry is moving to address this problem, it is important to ensure that all internal stakeholders are able to identify misleading solicitations

28 June 2012

Top 10 legal updates for May

Leading the list of the most-read WTR Premium Updates in May was the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) decision in what is widely referred to as ‘the Chocolate Bunny’ case. However, it was not the only confectionary-related decision in the month’s top 10 list.

08 June 2012

Top 10 trademark news stories for May

The concept of ‘brandless’ marketing proved of most interest to WTR’s blog readers in May. Our analysis was sparked by Ford’s new advertising campaign, which seemingly lacks any explicit reference to the brand at all, with the iconic logo and product names absent altogether.

08 June 2012

The buzz is back at the INTA

The INTA has found its mojo once again. After what have seemed like several flat annual meetings in a row, the buzz around the convention centre in Washington DC, where this year’s event is taking place, has been palpable. The conversations are more animated, the exhibition hall is busier, the sessions are more incisive; and as for the evening receptions, well let’s just say that they have been lively and leave it at that! All in all it’s just like it used to be; except that there are many more people in attendance – a record number, in fact, with some even saying the total could be pushing 10,000.

08 May 2012

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