Organisation: LG Electronics

Trademark registrations up, designs down as the Japan Patent Office reveals the top registrants for 2016

The Japan Patent Office received its highest number of trademark applications in 10 years during 2016, according to the agency’s latest annual report. Of the top 10 registrants last year, nine were Japanese entities (the exception being South Korea’s LG Electronics).

07 April 2017

EUIPO trends and top filers: 2015/16

Featured in Trademark register tracker

The past year has been a busy one in Alicante. In addition to expanding its tools and activities, the EU Intellectual Property Office had to prepare for the changes ushered in by the European trademark reform package. In this year’s annual survey, we asked users to assess its performance during this period of change

01 September 2016

EUIPO trends and top filers: 2014/15

Featured in Trademark register tracker

While European trademark practice is on the cusp of significant change, the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market’s (OHIM) gaze is firmly focused on the present. In this year’s annual OHIM survey we asked users to assess the office’s current performance and the likely impact that the legislative package will have once enacted

01 September 2015

From fees to the future

<i>World Trademark Review</i> presents its annual focus on the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market, polling users to gauge sentiment on its performance, assessing the impact of upcoming legislative changes and presenting updates direct from Alicante.

31 August 2014

The trailblazing corporate trademark teams revealed in awards shortlist

Almost 1,500 nominations and two months of extensive research later, the shortlist for this year's WTR Industry Awards can now be revealed. The awards recognise the vital work of in-house trademark counsel and identify those teams and individuals that are performing their functions to the highest standards. The winners will be announced next month at an exclusive reception in Washington DC.

19 April 2012

Decision highlights overlap between Articles 7(1)(b) and 7(1)(c)

In <i>LG Electronics Inc v OHIM</i>, the General Court has upheld a decision of the Second Board of Appeal of OHIM finding that the mark DIRECT DRIVE was descriptive and lacked distinctiveness. Among other things, the court pointed out that, if a mark is descriptive of the relevant goods or services under Article 7(1)(c) of the Community Trademark Regulation, then it is necessarily devoid of any distinctive character under Article 7(1)(b).

06 December 2011

ECJ sucks the life out of LG’s vacuum cleaner CTM application

In <i>LG Electronics Inc v OHIM</i>, the ECJ has upheld a decision of the General Court in which the latter had itself upheld a decision of the First Board of Appeal of OHIM refusing a CTM application for KOMPRESSOR PLUS. The decision confirms the principle that the General Court can consider new evidence submitted to prove (or refute) a challenge to a decision based on the assumption that a fact is common knowledge.

25 November 2011

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