Organisation: LinkedIn

Anatomy of a solicitation scheme: victim speaks out on dubious tactics of low-cost filing platform

Featured in WTR investigation exclusives

February 2023: In an exclusive investigation, WTR can reveal how a suspicious trademark filing entity lured in a small business owner via an allegedly misleading Google ad. 

28 February 2023

Innovation at the IPOPHL: spotlight on non-core tools and services

Featured in IP office tools and services

In a new entry to our regular series on innovation at national IP offices, the director general of the IP Office of the Philippines shares the innovative tools and services the agency offers.

27 February 2023

McDonald’s finally proves BIG MAC use, but what can brands learn from this long-running saga?

McDonald’s has won its second attempt to prove BIG MAC use before the EUIPO, but other brands should learn from its mistakes.

25 January 2023

Google and YouTube uphold media standing as world’s strongest brands

Google and YouTube have been named the world’s strongest brands, proving the power that media titles have in the eyes of consumers at a time of global brand crisis.

19 January 2023

Brand market crash: industry giants suffer major declines as Amazon ranked world’s most valuable brand

Amazon, Apple, Facebook and are among some of the biggest names to have seen their brand value decline this year, Brand Finance’s annual Global 500 report reveals.

18 January 2023

Domain watch: recent developments in internet policy, governance and use

WTR's new column presents insight into emerging online trends and policy developments related to domain names.

18 October 2022

Asia-Pacific trends and top filers: 2021

Featured in Trademark register tracker

In WTR’s annual Asia-Pacific deep dive, we take a look at major trends in 2021 as well as the top corporate and law firm filers across five key jurisdictions.

15 September 2022

Delhi High Court restrains use of PUMA for GPS and anti-theft devices

Following a joint compromise application capturing the terms of a settlement between the parties, the Delhi High Court has decreed a trademark infringement suit involving Puma in favour of the sports giant – and made some interesting observations while doing so.

01 September 2022

Short cutting the USPTO wait time: how some marks are jumping the pendency queue

As USPTO trademark examiners start work this month on applications filed in August 2021, some experts are looking at a way to accelerate applications to the front of the line. 

20 May 2022

Five years of the IP Office Innovation Ranking: lessons learned and hopes for the future

Since 2017, WTR has tracked the non-core tools and services offered by IP offices around the world, highlighting the latest innovations as practitioners continue to level up. To mark half a decade of analysis, we present the key developments in the IP-office landscape, as well as predictions for the future.

12 May 2022

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