Region: Luxembourg

Benelux Trademark Attorney Firm of the Year: Chiever

Featured in The Global IP Awards: Key Insights from IP Leaders 2019

25 April 2019

Trademark procedures and strategies: Benelux

Featured in World Trademark Review Yearbook 2019/2020

The Benelux Convention does not provide for protection of unregistered trademarks, the only exception being the protection of well-known marks as prescribed by the Paris Convention.

12 September 2018

Well-known marks: approaches to fame in Europe

Obtaining well-known status for a trademark can be a powerful tool for rights holders. In the third of a three part series, this article considers the best route in key European jurisdictions

20 July 2018

‘.lu’ registry announces amendment to terms and conditions

The Luxembourg registry, DNS-LU, has announced that it will amend the terms and conditions of registration and management of ‘.lu’ domain names on June 11 2013. This will result in two key changes: domain names that were previously temporarily blocked from registration will be made available, and a ‘dispute request’ system will be introduced.

05 June 2013

Availability of IDNs announced

The Luxembourg Registry, DNS-LU, has announced various modifications to its Domain Name Charter. Among other things, it is now possible to register IDNs in the '.lu' domain name space. This will enable the registration of domain names with special characters, such as those commonly used in the Luxembourgish, French and German languages.

03 March 2010

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