Industry: Manufacturing

Tesla fails to establish earlier unregistered rights in GIGABIER

The case serves as a reminder that the mere announcement of a new product is not sufficient to prove unregistered trademark rights under Article 8(4) of Regulation 2017/1001.

14 November 2023

Supreme People’s Court awards unprecedented Rmb100 million in damages

The case serves as valuable guidance for IP rights owners facing malicious infringement. 

19 October 2023

While grabbing fewer headlines than a decade ago, 3D printing needs to remain on the brand protection radar 

New research reveals continued growth in 3D printing innovation and activity.

30 September 2023

Managing infringement threats across the supply chain

Featured in Inside China’s IP Market: a Guide 2024

The courts in China generally maintain in foreign-related OEM cases that affixing a trademark to a product should be deemed as use and that there is also a possibility of confusion. While some manufacturers have successfully defended themselves against claims of infringement, the cost is often high.

27 September 2023

EU designs legislation moves forward as European Council amends text and adopts positions

The European Council has made amendments related to fee levels, the requirements for representation of a design and the approach to national administrative invalidity procedures.

26 September 2023

A global outlier: why filings continue to rise in India, as they fall elsewhere

The Indian national IP office has seen a small growth in trademark filings this year, even as other major registers around the world have seen a significant decline. WTR reached out to local IP firms to find out more about how and why India has been able to buck this global trend. 

02 November 2022

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