Organisation: MasterCard

Federal Circuit ruling demonstrates Dupont factors’ impact on evaluation of similar marks

In affirming a TTAB refusal, an appeal court has promoted the application of the 13 Dupont factors in cases involving substantial similarity between registered and unregistered marks.

25 May 2023

Major sporting events: IP challenges and opportunities for Web 3.0

The economics of events such as the FIFA World cup and the Olympic Games are changing rapidly, as is their sponsorship. With vast sums changing corporate hands, Lorenzo Litta of BRANDIT analyses what IP lawyers need to do to stay ahead as the online environment continues to evolve.

27 October 2022

MasterCard loses round in logo cases before General Court

The General Court has found against MasterCard International Inc and annulled 12 decisions of the Second Board of Appeal of the EUIPO regarding oppositions based on the MasterCard logos.

18 June 2020

Defensive trademark registrations: the adidas and Mastercard cases

In two recent cases, defensive EU trademarks belonging to adidas and Mastercard have been cancelled on the grounds of non-use.

13 September 2019

Illegal online pharmacies: the risks to patient health and brand reputation

Illegal online pharmacies are a growing global problem for patient safety, public health and brand reputation. Combating this danger requires comprehensive, coordinated and consistent action from stakeholders around the world.

19 February 2019

Financial & Professional Services Team of the Year: American International Group

01 July 2017

WTR Industry Awards: the 2017 shortlisted teams and individuals unveiled

Among the corporate teams featured on the 2017 <i>WTR</i> Industry Awards shortlist are those from adidas, Caesars Entertainment, Expedia, GlaxoSmithKline, Google, Intel, Maus Frères, Netflix, PepsiCo, Sky International, The National Association of Realtors, Twitter and Wyndham Worldwide.

27 April 2017

PIPCU and IACC respond to concern over “shadowy” RogueBlock anti-counterfeiting collaboration

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has voiced concern over a collaboration between the International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition (IACC) and the UK’s Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU) to take down websites selling counterfeits through the RogueBlock programme. In separate responses to <i>World Trademark Review</i>, PIPCU and the IACC have expanded on the parameters of the collaboration.

06 April 2017

Bridging the commercial divide

On October 20 2016 <i>World Trademark Review</i> hosted its second annual Managing the Trademark Asset Lifecycle event in the heart of Wall Street, New York City. The event was often boisterous, with speakers and attendees alike frequently at odds on the most effective ways to capitalise on trademark assets

01 January 2017

Battle of the masters

Two organisations with substantial reputations recently came head to head in a trademark battle in <i>World Masters Games 2017 Limited v MasterCard International Incorporated</i>. The decision indicated that all parties to proceedings needed to “tidy up their respective acts” as poor pleading and irrelevant evidence would be dealt with rigorously.

01 December 2016

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