Organisation: Mercedes-Benz

How the evolution of ‘trademark counsel’ to ‘brand professionals’ will significantly impact service demands

In this week’s opinion column, we consider how law firms can future-proof their trademark practices.

18 September 2018

Shifting markets and brand positions in a transforming auto industry: exclusive data analysis

We take a deep dive into the trademark landscape of the automotive sector. While Germany remains the home of the most valuable auto brands, Chinese companies are quickly catching up.

25 March 2018

America first... for now: how Chinese and European brands are closing the gap

Exclusive analysis reveals why major US brands are feeling the pressure of increased competition in the global marketplace – and how they can fight back.

13 February 2018

Google (and China) rising, while Apple takes a fall

There has been a shake-up at the top of the Brand Finance annual Global 500 report, with Google knocking Apple from its perch after five years at the top. But it is Chinese brands which saw the most growth in 2016

01 March 2017

New brand ‘dynamism’ index shifts focus to engagement and innovation performance, but misses out trademarks

A new index has been launched emphasising brand performance according to ‘new world’ factors such as social media engagement, adaptability to new trends and technologies and interaction with consumers. But the absence of metrics relating to trademarks means that it overlooks a critical component of brand value.

24 October 2016

Use of a trademark involves active behaviour and control

The ECJ has considered whether a trademark owner could establish that its mark had been infringed by a third party in an online ad originally published with its consent, but subsequently disseminated without its consent in circumstances where the third party had taken all reasonable steps to remove the ad from the Internet.

29 March 2016

The world’s most valuable brands in 2016

While some sceptics still question the point of brand valuations – given that different valuers arrive at significantly different amounts – understanding the methodologies used demonstrates that brand value is a crucial indicator of overall corporate value, now more than ever

01 March 2016

Michelin tire dealer cannot use MICHELIN mark on signboard without authorisation

A Chinese court has held that a tire dealer cannot use the MICHELIN mark on its signboard without the trademark owner’s authorisation, even if it sells authentic Michelin tires. Among other things, the court held that the defendant’s prominent use of the mark without Michelin’s authorisation amounted to “causing other types of damage to a registered trademark right” under Article 52.5.1 of the Trademark Law and, therefore, constituted trademark infringement.

10 June 2013

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