Organisation: Mexican Institute of Industrial Property

Around the world in 18 predictions

As a new decade dawns, World Trademark Review asks practitioners around the world for their top takeaways from 2019 and their predictions for the year ahead.

02 January 2020

New Copyright Bill in South Africa, changes to the Lanham Act and merger of Kenyan authorities: 2020 predictions for the Americas, Europe and Africa

Reflecting on an eventful year, WTR asked experts around the world for their top takeaways from 2019 and their expectations for the next 12 months. With recent decisions likely to have a significant effect, we take a closer look at the Americas, Europe and Africa.

18 December 2019

Non-traditional marks in Latin America: the current landscape

The acceptance of non-traditional trademarks has increased in most Latin American jurisdictions in recent years. We provide an overview of the current state of play.

29 July 2019

Brazil on the path to Madrid

After over a decade of debate, Brazil is expected to join the Madrid Protocol next year. But while accession seems inevitable, local practitioners have mixed feelings about the move.

22 August 2018

Amendments to Industrial Property Law due to come into force - key features explained

Earlier this year, the Mexican Senate approved a decree which introduced significant amendments to the Industrial Property Law. This update highlights the key changes introduced by the decree, which is due to come into force on 10 August 2018. 

31 July 2018

Amendments to Industrial Property Law: what trademark owners and applicants need to know

The Mexican Senate has approved a bill that will substantially amend the provisions of the Industrial Property Law relating to trademarks. This update provides a summary of the main changes.

04 April 2018

Implementation of opposition proceedings - an update almost six months on

On August 29 2016 opposition proceedings became available in Mexico. Almost six months on, this update considers how opposition proceedings have been implemented by IMPI. It is expected that the first trademark applications against which oppositions have been filed will receive a final resolution from IMPI by late 2017.

16 February 2017

ARIPO's 40th Administrative Council Session highlights worrying decrease in number of IP rights applications

ARIPO has held its 40th Administrative Council Session in Harare, Zimbabwe. A concerning point brought to light in the opening summary of ARIPO’s activities for 2016 is that, for a second consecutive year, the number of applications received by the ARIPO office has decreased, with the exception of utility models.

25 January 2017

Estimation of notoriety or fame by IMPI will help prevent registration of confusingly similar marks

Since the coming into force of the 2005 amendments to the Industrial Property Law, IMPI had stopped estimating the notoriety or fame of trademarks and relied only on declarations of notoriety or fame. However, IMPI has now begun to estimate the notoriety or fame of marks, alongside issuing such declarations. With this change, the estimation of notoriety or fame will become an important offensive weapon to prevent the registration of confusingly similar marks in all classes.

20 January 2017

New procedure for opposing trademark registrations

Opposition procedures to trademark registrations as they exist in other jurisdictions have never been included in the Mexican industrial property legal system. However, a reform of the Industrial Property Law was approved by Mexico’s Federal Congress between November 2015 and April 2016 and will include such a procedure in the trademark registration process.

08 June 2016

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