Organisation: National Association of Manufacturers

EU Council adopts approach to Green Claims Directive; DMCA exemptions subject to review – legislation and policy watch (June 2024)

WTR’s monthly column tracks trademark and related policy developments, including the progress of major bills, from around the world.

24 June 2024

Industry groups welcome SHOP SAFE reintroduction; EU GI regime for craft products in touching distance – legislation and policy watch (October 2023)

WTR’s monthly column tracks trademark and related policy developments, including the progress of major bills, from around the world.

13 October 2023

“The time is right” – call for US government to form dedicated anti-counterfeiting agency

NAM has issued a report on the scale of the counterfeits industry and proposed radical changes to the ways in which the private and public sectors combat the trade in fake goods.

29 July 2020

USPTO director talks counterfeits, highlighting role that seller vetting can play in fight against fakes

USPTO Director Andrei Iancu has called for industry and government to work in a systemic and sustained manner to fight back against the prevalence of counterfeit goods online.

24 July 2020

Debate over plain packaging and trademark rights hots up

The UK government has launched a consultation on whether tobacco products should be sold in plain packaging. In addition to the potential impact on smoking habits, the consequence for trademark rights is now being debated.

16 April 2012

Fight to stop gTLDs will extend beyond the application window

Last week almost 90 business associations and companies joined forces with the Association of National Advertisers to form the Coalition for Responsible Internet Domain Oversight and oppose the rollout of the gTLD programme. While some commentators have argued that the call has come too late, the ANA’s general counsel has told <i>WTR</i> that the fight will continue beyond the application window if necessary.

16 November 2011

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