Organisation: National Intellectual Property Administration

China looking to hold accountable not only trademark squatters, but also facilitating agents

The recent publication of a discussion paper seems to signal a stricter approach by the IP authorities to tackle the problem of parties taking unfair advantage of the system in China at the expense of genuine rights holders.  

11 March 2019

UKIPO ranked most accessible IP office platform, as registries urged to improve website usability

New research from WTR has found that the IP offices of the UK, Brazil, Japan and Benelux have the most accessible website platforms for users, including those with motor or vision impairment. 

25 February 2019

Agencies and individuals to be targeted in proposed China crackdown on malicious applications

The CNIPA has revealed plans to curb malicious trademark applications, with both individuals and trademark agencies that file such applications in its sights. The plans have been characterised as “undoubtedly good news for trademark owners" by a leading legal expert in the country.

18 February 2019

Winning compensation through compulsory enforcement in China

A court victory, while welcome, is often just the start of the battle against infringers, with compensation hard to recover. However, there are tools available to rights holders seeking to enforce judgments.

06 February 2019

China launches new online trademark system; expert calls for focus on examination quality

China’s National Intellectual Property Administration has launched its new online trademark services system, with one local expert telling WTR that the next task should be “to retain – or arguably regain – the quality of examination”.

30 November 2018

Regulations clarify role of new agencies following China's IP institutional reform

China’s State Commission Office for Public Sector Reform has released two regulations which clarify the role and functions of the agencies created by the country’s recent institutional reform.

28 November 2018

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