Organisation: Netflix

Tools at the ready

Based on feedback from key figures across the trademark community, <em class="Alright-italic">World Trademark Review</em> presents some of the most useful online tools that can be used by counsel to streamline daily workflows

01 January 2016

Reports of URS death are greatly exaggerated, but it ‘could be replaced’

A number of recent Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) decisions have led to proclamations that the mechanism could be ‘dead to trademark owners’. One influential figure in the IP community disagrees with this assertion, but tells <i>World Trademark Review</I> that the URS is in need of review and could be replaced by a fast-track UDRP.

16 October 2015

Netflix case sets precedent for new domain name arbitration procedure

A dispute over the domain name ‘’ has set a clear precedent for Indonesia's new domain name arbitration procedure. The arbitrator decided in favour of Netflix Inc, the US trademark owner, on the basis of its prior trademark registration, and ordered the domain name to be transferred to Netflix.

29 June 2015

Leading gTLD owner responds to criticism over use of trademark terms in marketing materials

gTLD operator ‘.xyz’ has withdrawn a press release that highlighted a number of brand name-related domain names that were being “released to the public”. The removal followed enquiries from <I>World Trademark Review</I> about the motivation for using trademark terms and highlights the challenge facing those marketing gTLDs to brands.

12 January 2015

App stores and licensing deals ‘key’ to quell IP threat of 3D printing

The lead mechanical engineer of 3D printing manufacturer FSL3D, which raised nearly $1 million on Kickstarter earlier in the year, has told World Trademark Review that concerns about the IP threat of 3D printing are “valid”, but new developments are creating big opportunities for brand owners as well.

10 November 2014

Google steps up anti-piracy efforts

While focused more on copyright infringement - with particular emphasis on the entertainment industry - than on trademark rights violations, the latest changes to Google’s anti-piracy efforts are worth reporting. Not least because they break a few previously held assumptions on what the company can and can’t do.

21 October 2014

3D printing – balancing the risks against the opportunities

The potential threat to trademarks represented by the development of 3D printing technology has been much discussed, with the technology ushering in an era when the copying of goods as diverse as toys, food, fashion and firearms becomes mainstream. However, according to one technology expert, brands should learn from the mistakes of the past and consider the opportunities presented by this revolutionary technology, as well as preparing for the obvious risks.

18 March 2014

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