Organisation: Netflix

Boeing’s blowout offers lessons for brand owners facing crisis

Brand and reputation management experts highlight what brands can learn from a series of recent crises for aircraft maker Boeing.

25 January 2024

WeChat reputation triumphs against tough economic conditions

The popular messaging service has been crowned the world’s strongest brand despite a drop in value this year, as Chinese brands come to dominate the top of the rankings.

19 January 2024

Revealed: media industry’s leading law firm representatives

WTR data analysis uncovers the law firms responsible for protecting the world’s most valuable media brands.

16 November 2023

Bulls shoot and miss: UKIPO rejects invalidity proceedings brought by NBA

The NBA’s evidence was too vague, which damaged its chances of establishing any reputation beyond basketball-related entertainment.

15 September 2023

Are we on the verge of finally resolving student-athlete NIL issues?

Johnny Football, legislators and the NCAA are keeping the issue of name, image and likeness rights in the headlines, but are we any closer to national legislation?

09 September 2023

Bluesky Social: what brand protection professionals need to know about Twitter rival

WTR takes a look at the current brand protection ecosystem on the Bluesky Social platform, with our research identifying active impersonation accounts related to major brands. 

25 August 2023

WTR's In-house Leader of the Year: Meta’s Austin Phillips

A look at the brand protection and broader community work that earned Austin Phillips, associate general counsel at Meta, this year's WTR In-house Leader of the Year Award. 

21 August 2023

Protecting Peppa Pig – the commercial thinking behind Entertainment One’s enforcement approach  

Entertainment One's senior director of brand protection discusses the commercial thinking that underpins the company's approach to enforcement, including its high-profile Peppa Pig litigation work.

14 August 2023

WTR Brand Elite analysis: June 2023

Featured in Stock market performance

The WTR Brand Elite rose seven points through June, hitting its highest value since 1 February 2022.

18 July 2023

Brand Tracker: January-April 2023

Featured in Brand trademark tracker

Fashion and luxury brands Christian Dior and Estée Lauder more than doubled their filing activity in the first four months of 2023 - while many leading brands more than halved their own - WTR analysis shows. 

23 June 2023

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