Region: Nigeria

Protecting foreign trademarks: legal strategies against wrongful trademark registrations in Nigeria

Two recent judicial decisions indicate the disposition of Nigerian courts to protect the rights of foreign trademark owners against local businesses looking to exploit the territoriality principle.

06 August 2024

Nigeria moves towards finalising its IP framework: key developments and future prospects

This update delves into the focus of Nigeria's draft IP policy and discusses anticipated developments. 

26 June 2024

Harnessing IP rights to drive innovation and sustainable development in Nigeria 

A World IP Day Symposium organised by the Patents and Designs Registry highlighted the intersection of intellectual property and the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations. 

13 May 2024

Going local: why domestic social platforms must be on brand protection radars

Featured in WTR Special Report Q1 2024: The future of brand protection on social media

18 April 2024

Evolving trends in safeguarding GIs in Nigeria: an insight into recent developments 

The submission of a comprehensive GI bill to the Nigerian legislature is anticipated in the near future. 

28 March 2024

Social media in Nigeria: what brand owners need to know

Featured in Social media around the world: a brand protection perspective

In the next edition of an exclusive new series, WTR turns its attention to social media and brand protection in Nigeria.

25 March 2024

Recurring issues and delays at the Trademark Registry - why stakeholder confidence is being eroded

It is crucial that the registry takes some steps to address the failings of the current online filing platform.

19 February 2024

The SANOFI case: Federal High Court issues key ruling on trademark infringement by company names

The judgment will put to bed the conflict between prior registered trademarks and company names in Nigeria.

08 September 2023

Proposed trademark online filing platform: why the stakes are high

While a new platform has recently been proposed, a failure to properly address the failings of the current platform would represent a disaster for trademark prosecution in Nigeria. 

26 July 2023

Trademark cancellation in Nigeria: a post­-registration process?

Recent adjustments made by the trademark registry concerning cancellation under Section 31 of the Trademarks Act could have unintended negative consequences.

28 April 2023

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