Organisation: Nokia

A new chapter for protection of well-known marks in Indonesia

Indonesia’s Trademark and Geographical Indications Law 2016 ushers in long-awaited improvements for rights holders. However, remaining vulnerabilities could perpetuate bad-faith registrations and trademark squatting

01 May 2017

Sky’s the limit for Skyscape when seeking a declaration of non-infringement

After Sky's solicitors wrote to Skyscape alleging that it was infringing a number of Sky's trademarks, Skyscape asked the court to grant a declaration of non-infringement. Although a viable tool in infringement cases, there are issues that claimants should bear in mind when seeking a declaration of non-infringement.

28 July 2016

Italy ‘on track’ to implement Trademarks Directive

Italy is presently working on implementing EU Directive 2015/2436, aimed at harmonising the national rules on trademarks. The directive was published in December 2015 together with EU Regulation 2424/2015 on the Community trademark (now the EU trademark), which came into force on March 23.

03 June 2016

Trademark patterns of the top R&D-driven innovators

The trademark patterns of R&D-driven innovators confirm the role of trademarks as a key intangible asset in the corporate strategies of innovative firms

01 March 2016

Ministry of Finance proposes controversial changes to customs regulations

The Ministry of Finance has proposed an amendment to the customs legislation whereby IP rights holders would have to initiate court proceedings to obtain the destruction of counterfeit goods if Customs cannot destroy the goods under the EU Customs Regulation. The Estonian Patent and Trademark Attorneys’ Association has criticised the change.

14 November 2014

ASOS v ASSOS: proving peaceful co-existence of marks in EU is a 'chimera'

In <I>Asos Plc v OHIM</I>, the General Court has rejected Asos’ evidence of peaceful co-existence between the marks ASOS and ASSOS in 18 member states of the European Union. The court’s approach confirms that a party’s ability to produce evidence of peaceful co-existence is closer to a chimera than a real possibility.

16 May 2014

Goods in transit amendments adopted in vote on European trademark proposals

The European Parliament has adopted its report on the review of the Community Trademark Regulation and recast of the Trademarks Directive, green-lighting proposed amendments on goods in transit. The amendments, which were the subject of heated debate in the European Parliament yesterday, have been welcomed by business and user groups.

25 February 2014

Blomqvist v Rolex continued: Supreme Court issues remarks in counterfeit case

Following its 2012 hearing in <i>Blomqvist v Rolex</i>, the Supreme Court decided to refer preliminary questions to the ECJ. This matter, which involved the import of a single fake Rolex watch bought by a private citizen for his own use from a Chinese internet store, attracted worldwide attention. The court has now issued a document detailing the questions.

22 March 2013

Leaked documents give insight into potential overhaul of European trademark environment

Almost two years after the Max Planck Institute published its Study on the Overall Functioning of the European Trademark System, details of proposed changes to the European framework are emerging. According to the latest draft documents obtained by <i>WTR</i>, a re-named OHIM, lower fees and the introduction of European certification marks are all on the cards.

12 February 2013

New Customs and IP enforcement regulation provides major benefits to rights holders

The proposed text of a new regulation dealing with Customs and intellectual property enforcement has been published by the European Council and Parliament. It brings in an important new procedure in relation to small consignments, which will be of great benefit to rights holders. However, the lack of meaningful progress in relation to goods in transit and costs is disappointing.

18 January 2013

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