Organisation: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

International Women’s Day: overcoming the obstacles to success

Twenty-six influential women in IP share the hardships they had to overcome to rise to leadership positions in a male-dominated industry.

08 March 2024

“One of the few effective mechanisms”: academic paper was wrong to target multi-seller litigation actions

This week’s opinion gives the other side of the argument in response to claims that US litigation actions targeting multiple online counterfeit sellers exploit legal loopholes to the detriment of the system.

01 April 2023

Combating counterfeits – lessons to be learned from CBP seizure statistics

A deep dive through the CBP's FY2021 seizure statistics reveals some interesting findings and pointers for rights holders. 

29 March 2023

CIPO aims to issue first office actions in less than a year under new strategy

The Canadian Intellectual Property Office’s five-year plan aims to improve examination efficiency and capacity and restore turnaround times to “internationally comparable standards”.

27 March 2023

SMEs suffering from IP infringement have 34% less chance of survival, EUIPO report says

A new EUIPO report warns that as many as 40% of SMEs in the European Union do not monitor for counterfeiting and other forms of IP infringement, even though SMEs that have had their IP rights infringed have a 34% lower chance of staying in the market than those that have not.

03 February 2023

Innovation at the UKIPO: spotlight on trademark tools and services

Featured in IP office tools and services

In exclusive insights, representatives from the UKIPO share the innovative tools and services they have launched or are developing for the future.

01 February 2023

IBA launches mentorship toolkit to empower women in legal

The IBA Women Lawyers’ Committee Mentorship Toolkit provides a mini industry benchmark for law firms that recognise the business case for tackling gender disparity.

11 October 2022

Regulating online shopping after the pandemic

The growth of e-commerce and m-commerce is making life easy for counterfeiters, but legislators and courts may yet come to the rescue of IP owners, while consumers are becoming more receptive to messages about brand integrity.

07 July 2022

“Only those who adapt will survive” – JT International trademark director on evolution of industry

We sit down with former INTA president and JT International IP, trademark and design director Ronald van Tuijl to learn how tobacco brands are evolving in the face of consumer health concerns and new regulations.

18 October 2021

A counterfeiting disaster waiting to happen – UK government warned that freeports could lead to fake goods rise

The UK government is set to establish eight freeports across England, but one major brand association warns that the move could lead to a “serious increase” in illicit trade.

15 March 2021

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